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Annotating interfaces


We recommend reading the classes documentation first.

Whenever you declare an interface, you can use the @KneeInterface annotation to tell the compiler that it should be processed.

kotlin logokotlin
@KneeClass class Image(val contents: String) @KneeInterface interface ImageUploadCallbacks { fun imageUploadStarted(image: Image) fun imageUploadCompleted(image: Image) }

Since the interface is declared on the native side but not available on the JVM, a copy of the declaration will be generated for the JVM sources.


You can use @KneeInterface(name = "OtherName") to modify the JVM name.

Two-way implementation

Unlike classes, where the implementation of members is done on the Kotlin Native side and the JVM instance is just a wrapper around it, @KneeInterface interface allow implementation from both sides. This makes it a much more powerful tool! You can do either of the following:

  • Implement the interface natively, and pass it to the JVM. You will receive a thin JVM wrapper around the native interface
  • Implement the interface on the JVM, and pass it to Kotlin Native. You will receive a thin native wrapper around the JVM interface

For example, the code below is perfectly fine:

kotlin logokotlin
// Kotlin/Native @Knee fun uploadImage(image: Image, callbacks: ImageUploadCallbacks) { // ... downward call }

But you may also implement interfaces natively and expose them:

kotlin logokotlin
// Kotlin/Native @KneeInterface interface ImageFactory { fun createImage(): Image } @Knee val DefaultImageFactory: ImageFactory = object: ImageFactory { override fun createImage(): Image = // ... upward call }

With this setup, the JVM code could do:

kotlin logokotlin
// Kotlin/JVM val image: Image = DefaultImageFactory.createImage() // K/JVM calls a K/N interface uploadImage(image, object : ImageUploadCallbacks { // K/JVM interface called by K/N override fun imageUploadStarted(image: Image) { ... } override fun imageUploadCompleted(image: Image) { ... } })

Annotating members

Annotating callable members (functions, properties) of an interface is not needed. By default, all declarations that are part of the interface contract will be marked as exported as if you added the @Knee annotation.

Importing interfaces

If you wish to annotate existing interfaces that you don't control, for example those coming from a different module, note that you can use @KneeInterface on type aliases. For example:

kotlin logokotlin
@KneeInterface typealias MyInterface = SomeExternalInterface

You can now use MyInterface as a value parameter or return type of Knee functions, and pass it both ways.


The most common use-case for imported interfaces is lambdas. In the Kotlin language, lambdas and suspend lambdas extend the types FunctionN and SuspendFunctionN, where N is the number of function arguments.

Luckily, you don't have to refer to these types and can use the lambda syntax directly:

kotlin logokotlin
@KneeInterface typealias ImageMerger = (Image, Image) -> Image @KneeInterface typealias ImageFetcher = suspend (String) -> Image? @Knee suspend fun mergeImages(fetcher: ImageFetcher, id1: String, id2: String, merger: ImageMerger): Image { val image1 = fetcher(id1) ?: error("Not found") val image2 = fetcher(id2) ?: error("Not found") return merger(image1, image2) }

It is recommended to keep lambda typealiases private. Typealiases won't be available on the JVM.


You may have noticed at this point that the import syntax (@KneeInterface typealias ...) supports generics, something which regular interfaces (@KneeInterface interface ...) don't.

The ability to specialize interfaces is not restricted to external declarations. Just declare a typealias to your own interface:

kotlin logokotlin
interface EntityCallback<T> { fun entityCreated(entity: T) fun entityDeleted(entity: T) } @KneeInterface typealias ImageCallback = EntityCallback<Image>

You can now use EntityCallback<Image> as a value parameter or return type of Knee functions.

Example: flows

A notable example of interface imports and generics, is the ability to import kotlinx's Flow.

kotlin logokotlin
// Kotlin/Native @KneeInterface private typealias ImagesFlow = Flow<List<Image>> @KneeInterface private typealias ImagesFlowCollector = FlowCollector<List<Image>> @Knee fun loadImages(): Flow<List<Image>>> = ... // Kotlin/JVM suspend fun loadImage(id: String): Flow<Image?> { return loadImages().map { list -> list.firstOrNull { image -> == id } } }

Note that since Flow<T> refers to FlowCollector<T>, we must also manually import the collector as well.

You may use the same strategy to import StateFlow, SharedFlow, their Mutable* version, or really any other interface that you can think of, as long as all types are correctly imported.

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